Intake Under Special Provisions Admission Year 2023/24

    Intake Under Special Provisions
    Admission Year 2023/24

    The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna calls applications from the candidates to follow the B.Sc. Honours in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology and B.Sc. Honours in Agribusiness Management degree programs under the special provisions for the admission year 2023/24. These two degrees are Honours degrees having a duration of four academic years. An  entrance examination will be held shortly for the selection of eligible candidates. The qualified candidates from the entrance examination will be called for the final selection interview.

    1. B.Sc. Honours in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology
    The candidates should fulfil the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the entrance examination.
    (a). Professional Qualification:
    A two-year Diploma in Agriculture or Animal Production from any School of Agriculture of the Department ofAgriculture, Aquinas University College, Hardy Institute of Technical Training, Affiliated University College or any other recognized institution approved by the Ministry of Education or University Grants Commission OR a two-yearDiploma from National College of Education with Agriculture as the main subject.
    (b). Academic Qualifications:
    i. GCE (O/L) with six passes in one sitting, with four credit passes including Science and Mathematics.
    ii. GCE (A/L) with at least three passes in one sitting of the following subjects: Botany, Chemistry, Zoology,
    Biology, Physics, Mathematics (Pure/Applied), and Agriculture.

    (c). Professional Experience:
    Five years (05) of experience (on the closing date of applications) as a permanent employee in the government or private sector, in the field of Agriculture/Animal Production or related sectors, after obtaining the Diploma in Agriculture.
    (d). Scholarships:
    The head of the institutions concerned should make arrangements to grant scholarships/study leave for the selected candidates to follow the degree program on full-time basis.
    (e). Entrance Examination:
    i. An examination for the selection of up to ten candidates to follow the above degree program will be held shortly. The examination be conducted in English medium and will consist of an aptitude test paper (30minutes) and subject matter paper with MCQs and structured essays questions (02 hours).
    ii. The fee for the entrance examination is Rs. 500/=

    2. B.Sc. Honours in Agribusiness Management
    The candidates should fulfil the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the entrance examination.
    (a). Academic Qualifications:
    i. GCE (A/L) with passes in three subjects out of Chemistry, Physics (Geography or Agriculture), and Biology (Botany and Zoology) as subjects in one sitting. Equivalent qualifications are applicable for the foreign
    (b). Experience:
    i. Five years (05) of working experience (on the closing date of applications) as a permanent employee in the Agribusiness sector in public/private/foreign industry/institutes.

    ii. Ten (10) years' experience in self-employment in the agribusinesses sector.
    (c). Fee Structure:
    i. Course fee from Sri Lankan candidates: Rs.200, 000/= per year (Total Cost Rs. 800,000/=) Course fee from foreign candidates: US $ 2000 per year (Total Cost US$ 8000)
    ii. Library fee, IT facility fee, student welfare fee, registration fee and other relevant fees are charged according to the University rates.
    iii. Application processing fee for Sri Lankan and foreign candidates are Rs 1000.00 and USD 50, respectively.

    General Requirement for the Two Degree Programs
     Numbers of attempts for the entrance examination is three (03).
     Age should be below 40 years on the closing date of application.
     The medium of the entrance examination and the degree programs is English.

    Application forms and other details can be obtained from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya after the payment of entrance examination fees relevant to the degree program. Duly completed applications should be forwarded through the respective Heads of the Institutions to reach the Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Agriculture on or before 17 th January 2025. Those who wish to obtain application forms and other relevant particulars by post should send a self-addressed stamped envelope of the size 9" x 4" addressed to the Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna,Mapalana, Kamburupitiya along with the Bank Deposit Slip in the value of relevant entrance examination fee deposited to in favor of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Account No. 133100160000029 held at the Peoples’ Bank, Kamburupitiya branch indicating the applicant’s name and address. The duly completed downloaded application forms ( can also be forwarded through the respective heads of the institutions to the Assistant Registrar of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna along with the entrance examination payment slip.

    University of Ruhuna

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