

Department of Computer Science of the University of Ruhuna and “free and open source software (FOSS) community in Sri Lanka” are collaborately organize an awareness program and introductory workshops on free and open source concepts to celebrate the software freedom day at University of Ruhuna

SFDAY 2007@Ruhuna[more]



Software Freedom Day (SFD)

small_logoSoftware Freedom Day is a global, grassroots effort to educate the public about the importance of software freedom and the virtues and availability of Free and Open Source Software. Local teams from all over the world organise events on the third Saturday in September.The most recent event involved over 200 teams from all over the world. more

Software Freedom International (SFI)

"Software Freedom International" is a non-profit organisation that acts as the official organiser of the event, and allows organisers to take donations and enter into sponsorship contracts and to order and ship materials using official accounts. It has announced plans to seek tax-exempt status, to make donations deductible. To distinguish it from the event itself, the parent organisation has been called 'Software Freedom International' (SFI). more

Last Updated: 2007-09-14
Maintained by csd-webteam@cc.ruh.ac.lk


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